Ten on Ten! July 2013

1. Otto believed he could will Tom to come out of his house and feed him treats.
2. Random pink flowers in random planter on sidewalk at work on way to meeting.
3. Limestone, limestone, limestone walkway back from meeting.
4. Bamboo.
5. New decor for the office from the wedding we shot this weekend.
6. Mid afternoon peach treat.
7. Farmers market on the way home from work.
8. Basil abundance calls for pesto.
9. Kenny manning the grill in the rain, Otto waiting for for Kenny to drop something.
10. Sunset over Portland.

Happy Tenth Everyone! Thanks for stopping by!
It was an iphonography ten on ten type of day.
Work, rain and a farmers market.  
I love being a part of ten on ten, linking up and seeing what you've been up to, too :)

Check out other sets here:
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  1. Wonderful pictures! The one of yall grilling in the rain reminded me of my husband and I grilling in the snow when we first got married. We wanted steaks so bad. :)

    1. Thanks Kelly! We'll grill in any weather too, it's true!

  2. Well... what can I say... love the dog, looks and acts like my own. You are attracted to the same things in nature I am... love to watch things grow. Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the set.
